Speed Matching Evolution

There are many gaps to be filled in the cybersecurity world. AirGap is focused on providing solutions to problems in the combined realms of cybersecurity and software supply chain.

When it comes to security and software we see three problems:

  • Speed: of software development and change
  • Scale: volume of software (its everywhere and eating more of the world)
  • Supply chain and up-stream dependencies

Each of these three interrelate and must be solved in concert to enable an enterprise to be secure and up-to-date.

We view ‘speed’ impacting the software supply chain speed along two axis: development and operations. The speed at which software is developed and the speed it expects to be delivered and deployed.

Software now evolves much more rapidly due to number of factors, but chief among them are the development and delivery of changes like bug-fixes and enhancements based on changes in up-stream dependencies. The “don’t reinvent the wheel” mentality of software projects, simply because they can’t afford to do so, scales up the volume of software. As software is released in both realtime (as changes happen) and on rapid schedules down-stream projects want to consume the fixes and new features as quickly as possible.

Speed of Development: As mentioned above, the pace of software development is increasing. Agile practices, open source software frameworks and libraries, dynamic languages and improvements in tooling and delivery are combining to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of developers. New software and updates to existing software are being released readily to various open channels.

Speed of Operations: Movements such as DevOps, Continuous Deployment and Continuous Delivery are simplifying the full scale industrialization of software coding, streamlining pipelines of source to various endpoints. Manufacturing-style automation has finally made its way to software, enabling a few people to run large chunks of engineering infrastructure at a fraction of the cost of five years ago. This automation also means less mistakes and errors via accountability and repeatability. But it does mean that speed must be built into the equation of software operation and maintenance.

Many enterprises haven’t found it possible to keep up with either the speed of software development or the speed of operations so that software can evolve to meet current needs or threats. The path just does does not exist, creating a performance and security situation which can be unmanageable. Worse, as vulnerabilities are identified in operational software, organizations struggle to “roll forward” or patch their environments.

Why? Simply, the frog has been cooked slowly or the enterprise hasn’t built up its organizational IT bureaucracy to match the speed of how software needed to be updated, maybe once a year? In many organizations the dependency on vendors to provide updates creates a lag and an environment ripe for attack. For open source software, most IT infrastructures just aren’t responsive enough to process/validate the flow of changes.